Adding a Tab Strip

The following describes how to add a new tab strip to a configuration.


  1. Launch the intended configuration.
  2. Click Enter Design Mode.
  3. Click Whole Config Properties. This will open the Properties page for the configuration.
  4. Click the Add a Tab Strip option. The designer will update, displaying a new tab strip—consisting of three blank tabs—on the left-hand side of the page, and the first tab's properties on the right-hand side.
  5. Click the name of the new tab strip to display its properties.
  6. Make changes to the behaviour of the tab strip as needed, then click Save Changes to apply them.
  7. Adjust the number of tabs in the strip by doing the following:
    1. To add a new tab, click New Tab for the intended strip.
    2. To delete an existing tab, click its Delete Tab button and confirm the action when prompted.
  8. For each tab in the strip:
    1. Click the tab's name.
    2. Use its Style and Layout pane to give the tab a suitable Name.
    3. Click Save Changes.
  9. Add any widgets you need at this stage. You can always return to this screen to add more later.
  10. To return to the configuration, click Return to the Cxp Agent Experience; otherwise, you can now safely close the current window or tab.