Creating a Hold Music Track

The following describes how to upload an audio file to act as a piece of hold music on behalf of (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)).

We recommend you use an MP3 file with an appropriate sound quality, but you can also upload other suitable file formats as needed, including WAV.


  1. Access the Hold Music Tracks list for the intended Customer.
  1. Scroll down to the Upload Your Own Track section.
  2. Use the MP3 File to Upload field to select the file you want to upload.
  3. Give the track a short, unique Track Title, and a Description such as the artist, genre, theme, and so on.
  4. Tick the check box to confirm you have the necessary copyright permission to use the uploaded file.
  5. Click Upload the Music Track. Make sure you only click this once, even though it might take a moment for the file to upload.

Further Reading