Creating a Message Node

The following describes the basics of setting up Message nodes within a bespoke IVR. This type of node will play one or more audio prompts, in sequence, before either moving the caller into a subsequent node or hanging up the call.


  1. If the intended IVR service has not already been created, do this now.
  1. Access the configuration page for the intended IVR.
  1. If the IVR does not already contain any nodes, we recommend adding a path selection node to it first. This lets you create a number of branching paths, then place your new node on one of those paths.
  1. Click the Config link for the path where you want your message node to occur.
  2. Use the option on the right-hand side of the page to change the node type to Play One or More Recorded Messages.
  3. Click Update. This will refresh the page, and display options relevant to the chosen type of node.
  4. Give the message node a suitable Name.
  5. Choose a suitable price list for the node, if different to the default one for this service.
  1. Assign up to eight prompts using the list provided.
  1. Click Save Settings to confirm and apply your choices.