Updating Values for an Operator

The provisioning_set_values command can be used to update one or more details about a single operator.

To identify which operator to update, you will need to specify either:

  • Its id.
  • Its external_id and external_id_type (if applicable).

For security reasons, not all operator details can be changed by this command. A full list of what can be changed appears in the Valid Names section of this topic.



Set this to "vcc_operators".


The unique ID automatically assigned to the intended operator when it was created.

If you prefer to identify the operator using its third party external_id, this parameter is not needed.


If a third-party has assigned their own ID to the intended operator, you can use it to identify the operator here. For this to work, you will also need to specify the third party using the external_id_type parameter.

If you use this parameter, you do not need to also provide an id.


Only needed if you are identifying the operator using its external_id. Specify the organisation that provided that external ID here.

array (string)

An array containing the information you want to update. Each entry in this array should consist of the following paired items:

  • name – a string containing the name of the table field representing the intended setting.

  • value – a string containing a new, appropriate value for the setting.

For a list of what can be used here, refer to Valid Names below.


If specified, this value will be returned as part of the response event. It can be used to help a calling application associate a request with its response.

Valid Names

Each entry in the following table may be used as a name in the names_and_values parameter array.

Each value must be written as a string, even numeric ones.

fullName The operator's name.
email A valid e-mail address for the operator.
address1 Address details.
address2 Address details.
address3 Address details.
city Address details.
postcode Address details.
country Address details.
adminPhone A land-line number for the operator.
adminMobile The operator's mobile number.
ringTime The automatic ring time duration (in seconds) for the new operator, between 1-600.
wrapTime The operator's wrap time in seconds, between 0-9999.
webUsername The user name used by this operator to sign in to the system and the softphone interface.
webPassword The password to be used in conjunction with the web user name.
rate2 The number of calls (ranging from 0 to 9999) after which this operator will be automatically logged out of the system. A value of 0 means the operator will not be logged out for missing any number of calls.
recordCalls Whether or not all calls will be recorded for this operator.
electiveRecordCalls Whether or not elective call recording is enabled for this operator.
recordRandomPercentage A percentage of the total calls involving this operator that should be recorded.

Example Request



On Success:

After a successful update, a provisioning_values event is returned containing details of the updated operator.

On Failure:

Failure to complete this command will cause a provisioning_error event, containing a description of what went wrong.