The Creation Tab

Previous: The Billing Tab

This part of the process provides an overview of the changes you are about to make, giving you the chance to go back and adjust anything that might be inaccurate.


  1. To view a full summary of the effects of your pending changes, select the Show the Full Validity Report radio button and press Update.

    At this point, you should take a look back through the rest of the tabs in the wizard to confirm all of the choices you've made reflect what you want to create. Although you can make changes later, you should try to ensure all new services are configured properly.

  2. If you encounter any errors or warnings here, you should read them in full to ensure you know their cause, then go back to an earlier section of the wizard to fix them if needed. You'll still be able to complete this process with minor faults, although the resulting services may not function correctly until they are resolved.
  3. If you want to read the full terms and conditions for setting up the chosen services, tick the corresponding check box and press Update. The page will refresh and display the requested information.

    Clear the check box and press Update a second time to hide the information when you've finished reading it.

  4. When you are happy with the new services, tick the I Agree to the Terms and Conditions of these Services check box and press Update.
  5. Press Create Services to confirm your choices and proceed with creation. You'll receive a Service Creation message letting you know what happened. Assuming all is well, click Next to move on to the Notifications tab.