Invoices and Financial Summaries

In operating a successful business, it is important to know your ongoing costs, and understand what they relate to. If required, any Customer organisation supported by the TelXL platform can be automatically sent invoices monthly via the platform itself, along with detailed summaries of the charges that constitute those invoices.

If this feature is enabled, PDFs representing historic invoices and summaries can be accessed via the (Undefined variable: terminology-page-Customers.Which page tab contains links to information such as invoices and monthly summaries for a customer?) page for that Customer.

In addition to automatically-generated documents, these pages will also include details of any bespoke charges added via the Charge Summary page. The Charge Summary can also be used to view more types of report, including Call List reports for set up or rental charges in the current billing period.

These files can either be viewed in your web browser, or downloaded for later use.