Modifying Price List Items
Every price list consists of numerous, system-defined settings that determine how much a chargeable feature will cost if it uses that price list. When a price list is created, it will inherit these settings from the list on which it is based.
The following describes how to access and make changes to the individual cost settings within a price list.
- Access your available price lists.Accessing a list of available price lists...
From the homepage, select General Admin > View Price Lists. This opens the Price List Management page.
- Scroll down to the Existing Price Lists section.
- Use the Edit Price List drop-down to select the intended price list.
- Click Go. This opens a new page, with the Details tab selected.
- Select the Price List tab.
- Each entry in the list consists of a Feature Name (such as Grade 0 Number) and the various Billing Type items related to that name. Locate the name of the feature you want to modify, and click its Edit button. This opens a new page.
- If needed, change the following aspects of the featureName, Description, or Category for the chosen feature:
- Name: Identifies the item in the price list, and in any price break-downs elsewhere that are based on the list. The original name of the item—as determined by the price list upon which this one is based—will appear in parentheses after whatever you change it to, for reference.
- Description: An optional, verbose description of the price list item, to assist Administrators in understanding it. This is purely for reference, and will not appear throughout the wider system.
- Category: The collection to which this price list item belongs. There are a number of system-defined categories, including SP Numbers, Service Features, etc., but you can specify a new, distinct category if you want to group specific, related items together. User-defined categories will appear below system-defined ones within the price list.
- The list of Types at the bottom of this page is based on the feature itself; for example, number grades include a price item for Setup and Rental, but other features may also include items for storage, per-use charges, and more. For each item, you can do the following:
- If Reverse VAT Billing is enabled, you can use the Reverse VAT Exempt check box to exclude an item from this model.
Not all feature price items are eligible for reverse VAT.
- In the Customer column, type the amount that the Customer will receive in relation to this aspect of the feature.
When allocating values, a positive number indicates the company will receive that value, whereas a negative value indicates they will pay it.
- If Reverse VAT Billing is enabled, you can use the Reverse VAT Exempt check box to exclude an item from this model.
- To write custom header information for the price list, or to apply a custom stylesheet, use the field provided. You can access the standard stylesheet by clicking on the adjoining link, and override the parts you need to in the header.
- Click Update to apply your changes to the price list.