Call Details

The Call Details page contains a break-down of information about a single call made to a service, including when it was made, its duration, who the caller was, and how much was billed on behalf of the involved parties.

There are various ways of accessing a call's details page, the most common of which being via a call report. Almost always, a link displaying a call's ID will take you to that call's details.

Call details will typically open in a new browser tab. You can close this tab and return to the previous one to continue your session.

The page is divided into various sections, which present data and tools for interrogating and reporting on the call:

Section Description
Call Location

Shows the relationship between the telephone number and Customer associated with the call.

Call Summary

Gives top-level information about the call, including:

  • The Date and Time it took place
  • The CLI used to make the call.
  • Which number the caller dialled (and which service is associated with that number).
  • A Title describing the caller's initial experience, e.g. "started playing menu".
  • Whether the call was successful (S) or failed (F). Calls that reach a natural conclusion—e.g. entering a queue, being answered, and eventually being hung up—are considered successful, whereas any instances where the call is terminated before being processed would count as a failure.
  • The geographic Site at which the call was hosted.
  • The call's Duration, in minutes and seconds.
  • A Price breakdown, showing the cost or benefit to the Customer and you as a result of the call.
Cost Centre If a cost centre has been associated with the call, its details will appear here.
Call Progression Details

A chronological summary of the call, including when the call was first received by the service, when it was first processed, and each step between then and the call's eventual termination. This section is particularly useful for analysing the caller's journey through complex services such as bespoke IVRs.

Light green steps may be viewed by anyone with access to this page, including Customers. Darker green steps are only visible to Reseller users and above.

Links to Related Call Log Reports

A fixed list of links to dynamic reports based on the selected call, e.g.

  • Other calls made at a similar date and time to this one.

  • A summary of Agent activity in relation to this call.

  • A web log for the period in which this call was made.

  • Other calls received today from the same caller CLI.

Visited IVR Nodes

If the call was made to an IVR service, a diagram here will show which nodes the caller reached during their journey. If the IVR is linear, this diagram will indicate a clear path from the start of the call until its end.

You can use the button at the top of this section to enable links for the various nodes in the IVR diagram. Once enabled, clicking one of these links will take you to the configuration page for the corresponding IVR node.

Data Collection Results Any variables used to collect data during the call will be displayed here, along with each one's value at the end of the call.
Call CDRs

A more in-depth summary of each stage of the call, known as Call Data Records:

  • Direction: Whether the call stage was inbound or outbound, and whether it connected successfully.

  • General: The result of the stage, what CLI was involved, what number was dialled, the tariff applied, the general time of day, and more.

  • Timings: Precise details of when the stage began, when it connected and completed, its total duration, and its billable duration.

  • Billing: The benefits and costs involved with the stage, as a component of the Price under Call Summary above.

Other Billing Entries

Benefits and costs for feature pricing—such as call recording—associated with this call will be listed here, if applicable. Each item, such as price-per-minute, price-per-call, etc. will appear on its own line.

As with other billing breakdowns, these values will be shown distributed across each of the organisations involved.

All billing values will be shown as either negative (a cost to the organisation) or positive (a benefit to the organisation).