Controlling Permissions for (Undefined variable: terminology-configuration.What determines the options available to an agent? (capitalised single, article))

The following describes how to alter the permissions for (Undefined variable: terminology-configuration.What determines the options available to an agent? (singular, article)), including changing which organisations are able to modify it.

You will not be able to modify permissions unless your own organisation has already been granted permission to modify the intended configuration. Contact a system Administrator to request this if required.


  1. Access the list of configurations for the intended Customer.
  1. Launch the intended configuration.
  1. Click Enter Design Mode.
  2. Click Whole Config Properties. This will open the Properties page for the configuration. On the left-hand side of this page you will see a hierarchy of all current widgets.
  3. Select the Permissions tab.
  4. Use the check box provided to determine whether the Customer should be permitted to make changes to this configuration.
    The options here will depend on your organisation's relationship with the affected Customer.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. To return to the configuration, click Return to the Cxp Agent Experience; otherwise, you can now safely close the current window or tab.