Creating a Data List

The following describes how to create a new data list on behalf of (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)). This involves choosing an initial template, which determines what fields are included in the list.

The template used to create a list will also affect where it can be found throughout the system; for example, outdialler campaign lists will be available when configuring a list-based outdialler widget, and contact lists are accessible in the Multiple Lists tab of the relevant Customer's Contacts page.

After creating the list, you can customise it by changing its properties and fields, and then populate it with rows of data, allowing it to be used elsewhere in the system.


  1. Access the Lists of Customer Data page for the intended Customer.
  1. Select the Add New List tab.
  2. Use the radio buttons to select the type of list you want to create. This determines which standard fields are initially included in the list, although you can select Blank if you want to define all of the fields yourself.

    The Fields as Specified template is similar to Blank, but it lets you specify a tab-separated sequence of column headings to quickly create multiple custom fields. You can also copy and paste a row of headings from Microsoft Excel here, causing the pasted headings to be added to the list when created.

    The standard Dialling List option includes a check box that causes several additional fields to be included for outdialler tracking. Further to this, another check box lets you include these fields plus a special Unreachable state associated with outdialler targets. These check boxes are also available when using the Fields as Specified option, if needed.

  3. Use the text field provided to enter a suitable name for the new list.
  4. Click Create a New List. Once the list is created, you will be redirected to the Edit Fields tab, from where you can make changes to the properties or fields in the new list as needed.