Exporting a Data List

The following describes how to export the fields from a data list belonging to (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)). This can be done in any of the following ways:

  • As an Excel file containing field names and associated data.
  • As an Excel file containing field names only (no data).
  • As a CSV file containing field names and associated data.

You can choose to omit field names if you prefer, causing the first list item to appear at the top of the exported file.

For Excel exports, if you choose to include field names, you can specify that they should appear on any row from 1-8 of the resulting spreadsheet, resulting in one or more empty rows above them.


  1. Access the Lists of Customer Data page for the intended Customer.
  1. Locate the intended list and click its Export link.

  2. Use the radio buttons to select the type of file to export, and whether the data should be included or just the field names.

  3. By default, the export will include field names on the first row, followed by a series of rows representing the data in those fields. If you want to change this, select one of the following:
    • There is no heading row and the data starts on the first row
    • (Excel exports only) Field names are on row X. The data starts on row X+1
  4. Click Perform the Action Chosen Above.
  5. Click the link provided to download the resulting document.