Adding a Favourite

The following describes how to create a favourite link on behalf of (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)), causing that link to appear on that Customer's Admin portal home page.

If you plan to create a favourite link to a customised report, you should run that report in a separate browser tab, so you can copy and paste its URL (which will include query string parameters corresponding with your customisations) and use it as part of this process.

If you want to use a custom image to represent this report, you should upload it to a suitable location and know its URL.


  1. Access the Favourites list for the intended Customer.
  1. Locate the New Favourite form. If the Customer already has favourites, the form will appear below these.
  2. Type a suitable Category for the favourite to ensure it can be grouped with related links. Refer to the list of existing favourites for reference, if needed.
  3. Give the favourite a meaningful Name, to clearly identify its destination.
  4. Assign a unique Sequence number. This determines the position of the favourite in the list; for example, 1 would represent the top-most entry.

    You can modify the favourite to change its sequence number—among other things—later, as needed.

  5. Write a short Description of the favourite. This is the text that will represent the favourite when it appears on the Customer's homepage.

  6. Type or paste the target URL into the Report URL field.

  7. Type or paste the Image URL, or leave it as the default favourite image if you don't have a preference.

  8. Click Save to confirm creation of the favourite.

To see the effects of your changes, you can preview the Customer's favourites list.

Further Reading