Previewing (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (capitalised single, article))'s Favourites List

The following describes how to preview the appearance and behaviour of all favourite links belonging to (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)), letting you see how the list appears to that Customer.


  1. Access the Favourites list for the intended Customer.
  1. Click the Preview hyperlink at the bottom of the page. This will open a new page, divided into sections representing the various categories assigned to the favourites. Each favourite is represented by the image assigned to it, alongside the assigned description. Clicking any favourite will load the corresponding target according to the settings applied to it.
  2. From here, you can either:
    • Click Edit to access and modify the favourite settings for the Customer.
    • Click Back to return to the Customer Resources page.

Further Reading