Enabling the WebSocket API for a Customer

If (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)) intends to make use of the WebSocket API to implement functionality via a third-party application or similar, this will need to be enabled via their (Undefined variable: terminology-page-Customers.Which page tab contains configuration settings for a customer?) page.

There are additional steps required to fully configure the WebSocket API for (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)). Contact a system Administrator to arrange this as needed.

After (Undefined variable: terminology-people-customer.Who Operates a Call Centre? (singular, article)) has this feature enabled, they will need one or more API licences allocated to them to use it. For more information, see Provisioning Licences for a Customer.


  1. Access the intended Customer's settings.
  1. Scroll down to the Features section.
  2. Tick the Websocket API check box.
  3. Assign the API an appropriate price list.

    The cost of using the WebSocket API is comprised of a one-time set up charge and a recurring rental charge. Ensure that both of these items have been defined for the chosen price list, so the Customer will be billed accordingly.

  4. Click Save Changes.