Enabling Outbound Dialling for an Agent

The following describes how to enable an Agent to make outbound calls via Indirect Access (IDA), for example using (Undefined variable: terminology-configuration.What determines the options available to an agent? (singular, article)). This is disabled for all new Agents by default.

Doing this will add the Agent to the billing database for the Customer. Due to the need to preserve a complete, accurate, itemised billing history, you cannot reverse this process, and affected Agents cannot be deleted. Ensure you are aware of the implications of this before you proceed.

Outdialler-enabled Agents are listed under the Registered CLIs page for the relevant Customer. IDA calls made by an Agent are charged according to the default IDA tariff associated with the corresponding Customer.


  1. Access the Agents list for the intended Customer.
  1. Locate the Agent and click their Details hyperlink.
  2. Under Outbound Calls, tick the Can use IA Service check box. A warning will appear, similar to the one at the start of this help topic.

    The setting will not be applied until you click Update, but after that point you will not be able to un-tick the check box.

  3. Use the Network CLI drop-down to select which network CLI should be used for this Agent when they make an outbound call.
  4. Click the Update button. The page will refresh, and the Outbound Calls section will expand to display a range of other options relating to outbound calls.
  5. Use the newly-revealed options to make further changes as needed.
  6. Click Save Changes to apply your choices.