Associating a Script with a Dialler List

The following describes how to link an existing script with a outdialler campaign list, and link the fields in that list to items in the script. When the script is then used alongside a list-based outdialler widget, responses are automatically added to the corresponding list entry.


  1. Access the list of scripts for the intended Customer .
  2. Locate the intended script.
  3. Click Settings. This opens the Script Settings tab for the chosen script.

    You can switch to a different script by selecting its name in the drop-down at the top of this tab and pressing Update. Be sure to save any outstanding changes before you do this.

  4. Under Settings Related to this Script, use the Use Data List drop-down to choose the intended list.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Select the Script Items tab.
  7. Click the Edit button of an item you want to link to the list.
  8. Use the List Field drop-down to select the corresponding field.
  9. Click Save/Update.
  10. Repeat steps 7-9 until you have linked all necessary fields.
  11. Click Save Changes.

Further Reading