Modifying Cost Centres

The following describes how to make changes to any cost centres associated with a Customer.


  1. Access the Cost Centres list for the intended Customer.
  1. Under the Existing Cost Centres section, locate the intended entry.
  2. Update the full Name and short-hand Code for the cost centre, as needed.
  3. If you need to change the CLI behaviour for the cost centre, click the Edit Settings check box. This will reveal further options:
    • If you want calls involving the cost centre to identify using a specific phone number, select it from the CLI to Present drop-down. Otherwise, it will use the default CLI based on the Customer or service.
    • If you want calls involving the cost centre to withhold their CLI (not displaying a number to recipients), tick Withhold the CLI.

    Even if you opt to withhold the CLI for a cost centre, there will still need to be a CLI associated with it for auditing purposes, so be sure to specify one if needed.

  4. Repeat this process until you have made all necessary updates.
  5. Click Save Changes to apply your selections.