Assigning Music for Callers Waiting in a Queue

The following describes how to choose up to ten hold music tracks to play to callers waiting in a specific queue for their call to be answered. If this setting isn't changed, callers will hear a simple "please hold" message, with three minutes of ringing tone in between.

As part of this process, you can decide whether to have the caller's queue position announced to them at short intervals, followed by an estimate of how long they will be waiting. This is a chargeable feature whose cost is based on a price list of your choosing.

You don't have to assign music tracks to have the queue inform the caller of their position and estimated wait time. When no tracks are assigned, but queue position options are enabled, the caller will hear a generic ringing tone, with the automated announcements played periodically.

You can also nominate up to ten audio prompts to play in addition to the hold music and queue time announcements. These might be service updates relevant to the caller, or promotions and other announcements.


  1. Access the configuration page for the intended IVR.
  1. Locate the intended queue node and click its Config link.
  2. Ensure the Queuing tab is selected.
  3. Locate the Hold Music section.
  4. Select the Queue Position, Time, and Music radio button.
  5. Click Update. The page will refresh, displaying further options relevant to this process.
  6. Use the track selector drop-downs to choose up to ten available music tracks. These will be played in the order shown. If no tracks are selected, a simple ringing tone will be played instead.
  7. If you want the caller's position in the queue or estimated wait time to be announced every 20-30 seconds (based on the length of the hold music):
    • Tick the Play Queue Position and Time Messages check box.
    • Use the first drop-down to select a suitable price list.
    • Use the second drop-down to select whether to announce the caller's position, the estimated wait time, or both of them one after the other.
    • If you have chosen to announce the estimated wait time, provide a manual estimate (in seconds) of how long each call in the queue should take. This value will be multiplied by the number of calls ahead of the caller's in the queue, resulting in the estimated wait time.

      If the caller's expected total wait time is 59 seconds or shorter, the estimate will state "within one minute".

  8. If you want to play one or more custom audio prompts while the caller is waiting in the queue:
    • Tick the Play Informational Messages check box.
    • Assign up to ten prompts using the list provided.

    The custom prompts chosen will be played in the order shown, following the queue position and estimated wait time (if included).

  1. Click Save Settings to confirm and apply your choices.